Frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers to the frequently asked questions about the famous Czech herbal liqueur – Becherovka.

  1. Is Becherovka a herbal liqueur?
    Yes, Becherovka is a traditional herbal liqueur produced in Karlovy Vary according to a secret recipe since 1807. It belongs to the Bitters category.
  2. What is Becherovka made of?
    Becherovka is based on pure water, high quality spirit, sugar and a balanced mix of herbs and spices. It does not contain any artificial ingredients, colourants or preservatives.
  3. Jaké mají produkty Becherovka výživové hodnoty?
    Přehled nutričních informací našich produktů najdete zde.
  4. How long does Becherovka Original last? Can it expire?
    Depending on the storage conditions Becherovka can last for many years since it is a product with high alcohol content.
  5. How to store Becherovka?
    There are no specific storage conditions for our products. However, it is recommended to serve Becherovka Original ice-cold. Lemond should be served chilled, same as Becherovka Unfiltered which is recommended to shake well and serve on the rocks.
  6. Is Becherovka packaging focused on sustainability?
    Becherovka is bottled into glass bottles. All packaging components are recyclable.
  7. Is Becherovka vegetarian?
    Yes. All Becherovka products are vegetarian.
  8. Does Becherovka contain gluten or any other allergens?
    Becherovka Original does NOT contain neither gluten not any other allergens.
  9. Is Becherovka Kosher/Halal?
    The product is not Kosher unless it is specified on the label. We produce a special Kosher batch and it is indicated on the label. The product is not Halal.
  10. Can I visit Becherovka in Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic?
    Of course, you are most welcome! Our visitor’s centre The Home of Becherovka and the production site are ready for your visit. Book your tickets and find all relevant information via
  11. Může Becherovka sponzorovat moji párty, akci nebo festival?
    O sponzorství se starají naše místní trhy. Napište na základní informace a my Vás propojíme s příslušnou osobou.
  12. Otevírám bar, na koho se mám obrátit se zbožím Becherovka?
    V rámci Česka můžete oslovit příslušeného obchodního zástupce z Vašeho regionu. Pro další země napište na
  13. Co mám dělat, když je má láhev Becherovky rozbitá, chutná divně, jinak nebo špatně?
    Buďte prosím opatrní a okamžitě nás kontaktujte skrze formulář v sekci KONTAKT.

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